To view the explanations or examples for an element, click on the red link . This will launch a pop-up window providing detailed information in each of these areas for that element. The explanations pop-up window provides sgatonline detailed information explaining the element. The examples pop-up window provides detailed information and examples of how to comply with the element.
- The organization has 14 days to provide information in the Comments area regarding any factual errors or omissions in NCQA’s preliminary results.
- The number of publications listed on this screen may vary depending on the privileges assigned to you and the number of publications purchased by your organization.
- The section describes the Self-Assessment Results section of the SGAT.
- For payment or campus assistance, contact on-campus Administrative Assistant Jenny King.
- To enter a section, click on the navigation button listed in the Blue Navigation Bar.
- If your organization has submitted an SGAT for review and you have the appropriate user privileges the Welcome screen will display the active NCQA Accreditation or Certification review.
The Assessment Box area may be used by the organization to provide additional information that supports the element score during self-assessment. The organization is not required to provide additional information and may choose to leave this area blank. To enter additional information to support the element score click “Edit” under the Assessment Box blue tab and proceed to enter your note in the textbox. After the organization submits the assessment tool, NCQA reviewers edit or add assessments as applicable to reflect the results of the review. The Red Supplemental Worksheet Button is located below an element’s text. The Red Supplemental Worksheet button will be available only on those elements that require a file review or use of the worksheet, which is determined by the evaluation option selected for self-assessment.
You may also reassign a currently assigned user for this product or change a currently assigned user to “inactive” (see View/Edit User List). The instructions have been written from the perspective of a user that has purchased the Standards, Guidelines and Assessment Tool (SGAT). Therefore, many of the sections that are reviewed below are not applicable to the Standards and Guidelines (SG). To print a copy of the results score sheet click on the Print navigation button. Remember to always click on the Save button at the top or bottom of the screen each time you enter, change/edit, or delete any information on the screen.
If you want to access a publication that was purchased by your organization but is not on the publication list , contact your Administrative User. Only the Administrative User within an organization may assign user licenses for the organization. To re-enter the SGAT after your session has timed-out due to inactivity, click on the LOG IN link. To display a detailed view of each standard in a category, click on the category link from the Standards by Category screen. You may navigate to the next standard or previous standard via the navigation link at the top or bottom of the page. Navigation is covered in the Standards & Guidelines section of this manual.
If you have entered the correct information and still cannot successfully log in contact your Administrative User or NCQA Customer Support at for assistance. To log in to the SG or the SGAT, you must have a User ID and Password. If you are the Administrative User for your organization, your User ID and Password was provided in an email from NCQA when the publication was purchased. If you are not an Administrative User, you should receive a User ID and Password from your organization’s Administrative User.
The Blue Support Text/Notes button is located below an element’s text. The Support Text/Notes screen is used to add assessment text about the scoring of an element, comments, and private notes. This screen also provides the link to view notes from previous stages, depending on the rights assigned to the user. Before your organization submits the SGAT, you must attach any supporting documentation referenced in the elements. File paths referenced for specific elements are for identification only. Documents do not attach to the SGAT during the self-assessment process.
Summer Gifted and Talented Program
The inactivated user no longer has access; the newly activated user may access the Web publication. The Web Tools area of the Welcome screen lists all publications currently available to you. A publication will not appear in this list unless you have been assigned a user license. If your organization has submitted an SGAT for review and you have the appropriate user privileges the Welcome screen will display the active NCQA Accreditation or Certification review. To navigate to the Must Pass Results screen, click on the gray tab labeled Must Pass Results.
- Go into the SGAT SetUp tab to verify that the program(s) and Accreditation or Certification Option you want to submit to NCQA has been checked under the “Select to Submit for NCQA Review” column.
- The top of the standard screen provides the name of the standard, its point value and the standard text.
- You must be in the Self-Assessment section of the SGAT to access this tab.
- You may also add documents to the library without attaching them to a specific element.
- More specific information about the Document Library can be found in the Document Library section above.
- To do this, click on the Document Library tab and then on the Add Document to Library link.
- You may check if the SGAT is complete by clicking on “Completeness Check” on the top menu.
Important Links
Scoring results are available overall, and at the category, standard and element level. NCQA encourages organizations to highlight key passages in their documents to help us locate pertinent information. Most word processing and spreadsheet programs, as well as Adobe(r) Acrobat(r), have this capability.
Summer Gifted and Talented Program
The Intent statement and a Summary of Changes link also appear at the top of the standard screen, above the element information. The Summary of Changes link will only display when there has been a change to the standard from the previous standards year. You may check if the SGAT is complete by clicking on “Completeness Check” on the top menu.
Important Links
Once a document is uploaded and confirmed, you do not have to reverify and upload it again if you submit the SGAT at a later date. To assign users, you must identify them as “active” in the Add New User screen or update them to “active” in the View / Edit User List. The NCQA Review & Results area of the Welcome screen lists the review(s) NCQA has conducted, or is conducting, for your organization. This area will appear once an NCQA review commences; it is not visible before that.
This section of the SGAT is not available if you purchased the Standards and Guidelines publication only. To view the self-assessment results all data must be completed for the evaluation product and program (s) you selected. NCQA recognizes that occasionally an organization’s supporting documents may not be available or convertible to electronic format. If you are unable to submit documents electronically, please inform NCQA of this on the application for survey and we will work with you to make arrangements for paper copy submission. It should note in the assessment box of the element which documents will be submitted on paper and note the document name and page numbers on the Documents page.
You may also go directly to a specific element within a standard by clicking on its link (labeled A, B, C…) located below the standard’s link. This section includes the standards against which NCQA evaluates an organization. The categories organize the standards by specific functions an organization performs. Each category includes information about the standards necessary to understand the NCQA evaluation process. The Blue Navigation Bar provides the navigation buttons listed below. You may return to the SGAT any time to make changes prior to the final submission step.
The time needed to copy and send documents varies, depending on the number and size of documents and your Internet connection. The Document Library screen includes a list of all the documents attached to your SGAT. Documents populate the Document Library from either being added at the element level using the Document button, or by directly adding documents via the Document Library screen. From here, you may attach, delete or modify documents for any element. To select from the list of active users, either enter the User ID and e-mail address or use the drop-down list of existing active User IDs and click on the user name. This will not cause the fields to populate, but will select this user to assign to the license.
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